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How College Affects Students: 21st Century Evidence that Higher Education Works
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From the Back Cover
THE REVISED AND UPDATED BESTSELLING ANALYSIS OF HIGHER EDUCATION'S IMPACT "In the tradition of the two previous editions, this is the quintessential resource for the current generation of scholars, graduate students, and policy makers about whether, how, and why college matters." George D. Kuh, director, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment "Thankfully, the scholarly discourse on higher education is intentionally moving toward important questions that examine student outcomes in ways that inform pressing, but often ignored, public policy questions. This volume is an important step for affirming what we know, and identifying what we need to learn about the programs and services provided to students." James T. Minor, Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Education "For the past three decades, How College Affects Students has been one of the most vital resources in higher education. This edition continues the tradition of outstanding research on the college experience. A must-read for both student affairs and higher education professionals." Kevin Kruger, president of NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education "As too much higher education rhetoric proliferates across our nation with little or no grounding in scholarship, the authors of this book have given us a gift. They offer an exemplary evidence-based synthesis of the college student experience. Whether examining student retention, persistence, attainment, earnings or quality of life outcomes, this book gives us a terrific collection of peer-reviewed studies by topical areas. The authors also do an extraordinary job to help us understand how college shapes the character, morals and values of our communities and, thus, our nation. They have clearly made the case based in scholarship that college matters now more than ever." Martha Kanter, former United States Under Secretary for Education
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About the Author
Matthew J. Mayhew is the William Ray and Marie Adamson Flesher Professor of Educational Administration at The Ohio State University. Alyssa N. Rockenbach is professor of higher education at North Carolina State University. Nicholas A. Bowman is an associate professor of higher education and student affairs as well as the director of the Center for Research on Undergraduate Education at the University of Iowa. Tricia A. Seifert is an associate professor of adult and higher education at Montana State University and has a faculty appointment at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Gregory C. Wolniak is associate professor of higher education and director of the Center for Research on Higher Education Outcomes at New York University. Ernest T. Pascarella is professor and the Mary Louise Petersen Chair in Higher Education at the University of Iowa. Patrick T. Terenzini is distinguished professor and senior scientist emeritus in the Center for the Study of Higher Education at Pennsylvania State University. Pascarella and Terenzini are co-authors of the first two volumes of How College Affects Students.
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Product details
Paperback: 784 pages
Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 1 edition (September 19, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1118462688
ISBN-13: 978-1118462683
Product Dimensions:
7.1 x 1.6 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
9 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#447,452 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This third volume of How College Affects students is a must-have resource for students, scholars, and practitioners of higher education and all who wish to engage in evidence-based practice. The authors extend the powerful legacy of Pascarella and Terenzini in this book. As John Braxton (2016) wrote in his review published in the Journal of College Student Development, "The scholarly and practice communities concerned with the growth and development of undergraduate college students owe each of them an immeasurable degree of gratitude for their indispensable work of stockpiling knowledge regarding the effects of college on students" (p.1061). I concur wholeheartedly..
This is a comprehensive compilation of research on the impact of college on students. I'm sure all of the important research is included, and there must be little if anything that is left out. I give the book 5* for comprehensiveness. If you want to find any kind of research on how college affects students, this book is where to start and probably also where to finish.Comprehensiveness is the book's main attribute. The authors do not fully synthesise or draw conclusions. In many parts it is barely more than an annotated bibliography. These authors, having studied virtually everything on the impact of college, are in an excellent position to say how a student can best take advantage of college in its current form, how higher ed should be reformed, and how to design new institutions of higher ed for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. But there is little if any discussion of those issues. What little such discussion exists is hard to read, thanks to the very academic writing style in this book. I give it 1* for bad writing and blowing a great opportunity to say something significant. To be fair to the authors, they surely intended this book as a survey of research for an academic audience, and did not intend this book for laypersons like me.This book makes it clear that, despite vast amounts of research, we still don't know much about how college affects students. There are two major problems. First, as evident from the book, all research is based on comparing people who choose to go to college versus people who choose to do something else; since those two groups are likely to be different in many, unknown ways, one cannot attribute a difference in outcomes to college. The only reliable way to tell how college affects students is to compare groups of people who are known to be similar before college, but with some of the group attending and some not attending college for reasons that are clearly unrelated to the potential outcomes (for example, if they were randomly assigned to go to college or not, but that's just not going to happen in reality). The clearly book notes this problem (self-selection) with research on higher ed and acknowledges that any conclusions are limited. For example:+ "No studies reported in this volume included research designs of college-going versus non-college-going students".+ "No literature was uncovered that addressed cognitive development of college students versus non-college goers. As a result, we were not able to calculate the net effects of college-going..."+ "College students and other adults may change for all kinds of reasons, including normal maturation and human development, that have nothing to do with college."+ "Few studies in this volume provide sufficiently strong evidence to estimate the impact of attending college as opposed to maturation or other influences."I think that the authors are in some places, however, a bit too ready to conclude that positive differences are due to college (eg, note the book's sub-title), even after they clearly acknowledge the limitations of the research methods.Second, a lot of the research is based on the perceptions of students rather than on objective testing; for example, researchers administer a questionnaire asking students how much they think they're learning rather than testing them for actual learning. One of the most solidly established findings in social science is that people are very poor judges of themselves. It's surprising that scholars of education could be so frequently using such a flawed research method. I did not find any criticism in the book of research methods based on the perceptions of students versus actually testing their knowledge.While this book is highly valuable as a comprehensive compilation of research on how college affects students, it has little value beyond that. Somebody else could use this book as the foundation to write a good book for the general public on what we actually know about how college affects students and how students can best take advantage of college. Peter Capelli does a nice job in his book Will College Pay Off? even though his book is about more than just the effects of college. For a layperson interested in how college affects students, I recommend Peter Capelli's book instead of this one.
Very comprehensive collection of studies done on many areas that can be affected by the college student's experience.
Great Book!
There is no better synthesis of research in the field of Higher Education. There is nothing anywhere near this comprehensive. There is nothing even remotely this respected, this authoritative, this complete. It's hard to overstate how seminal the previous editions of this book have been; this edition proudly follows in that tradition. If you have volumes 1 and 2, you pretty much need volume 3. If you're new to being a researcher or administrator in the college landscape, this 3rd edition is the best (and most current) place to start.Part of that power comes not only from the amount of articles gathered together here, but the rigor of vetting of those articles. Time and again, I came across a study I hadn't hear of before, even in areas I'm very well read in; in many cases, important caveats are built in to the paragraphs/chapters. If a study had inconclusive findings, or an odd methodology, this book takes that into consideration and explains it.There's also a real sense of cohesion here. Themes in the moral development section come up again when residence life research is explored. The section on economics and finance is not disconnected from the cognitive outcomes work The effect is of both specificity and scope: you get the sense, as you read, of deep-dives into particular areas of interest without ever losing sight of the big picture (the impact of college on students).Importantly, this book is clear on its focuses on diversity and inclusion as well. The moral imperative to make college work for all student populations runs throughout the research in this book and throughout the authors' explanations of that research. This book is a vital tool in the fight to make higher education the engine of cultural change it can be.For higher education students, you're guaranteed to have a good start on any quantitative lit review by using this book. For practitioners, you're guaranteed to find some angle on your area of expertise you hadn't thought of before. An essential reference for anyone's shelf (or kindle).
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